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David Dinsmore

Designer + UI Developer

Virtual Phone

  • Design
  • Internal Design Team
  • Development
  • jQuery/ Vue JS

For customers who believe in "Business without Borders" Virtual Phone gives businesses a local presence by providing international toll-free and local phone numbers.

From marketing sites to chat apps to internal tools and payment gateways—I have helped design and build a variety of products.

Screen capture of the Virtual Phone homepage. login screen.
Screen capture of the Virtual Phone dashboard.
Customer dashboard.
Screen capture of the adding a call action.
Add a Call Action.
Screen capture of the adding an announcement in a modal.
Add an Announcement Call Action.
Screen capture of the payment methods and settings.
Customer payment methods and settings.
Screen capture of adding a new payment method.
Add payment method.
Screen capture of adding a credit card payment method.
Add Credit Card payment method form.

Let's Work Together

Email me at